Much of life happens around a table and over food and drink: relationships are forged in the crucible of messy meals, empty bottles of wine, breakfast scones, new recipes, and dark cups of coffee, equally suited for evenings and mornings alike. The transformation and changes our lives encounter often take place in our normal spaces.
Months into 2020 after the world shut down, the realization set in that so many of these moments with others, with God, and with ourselves took place in coffee shops and over good cups of coffee (and sometimes tea), which were closed. For Carter especially, there was an acute awareness that the space that these places facilitated was more than just a weekend destination or morning pit-stop, but helped facilitate relationship with others, fostered understanding, cultivated an atmosphere prayer, expanded creative expression, and the list continues. In many ways, the process of spiritual transformation, personal growth, renewed creativity, and relationship building was rooted in and around coffee, for better or worse.
This podcast is in many ways an attempt to bridge the gap between those in-person experiences and the digital world which most all have needed to adapt to over the past couple of years.
Our intent is to host a space where conversations about life, faith, creativity, and transformation are able to happen, all over great cups of coffee.
Why The Washed Process?
Every coffee that someone brews and sips goes through some sort of process that takes the raw coffee berry, often referred to as a ‘coffee cherry’ and removes the seeds, or what we commonly call ‘coffee beans’ to be able to roasted, ground, and enjoyed.
The most common way this happens is through what is known as a washed process, sometimes called a wet processing. This is where water is used to peel back and wash away layers of the fruit and mucilage leaving the seed itself left, which is then dried to be able to eventually be roasted, ground up, brewed, and drank. The image of water being used to wash away is striking and powerful and ultimately helped us connect the dots to the other component of this podcast: faith.
Additionally, there are multiple portions of the Bible that utilize the language of washing as it relates to transformation, renewal, sanctification, and salvation. The idea of washing in this context is the removal and wiping away of the portions of our life, heart, mind, and soul that don’t look like Christ. This process is lifelong; similar to coffee, the transition from old to new, raw to refined, is not immediate and often involves a lot of time, energy, and patience.
The objective of this podcast is not to evangelize or convert anyone to believe what we believe, but to use the idea of process, both as it relates to coffee and faith, to facilitate conversations with individuals about their lives, careers, passions, faiths, and everything in between to learn and grow together as each of us are processing this beautiful, singular life.